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Work Manager - Feel Better Work Better

4.0 ( 160 ratings )
المطور: MindArray Technologies

WorkManager is an app developed for a better management of working culture. In today’s busy schedule it is difficult to manage the office work, social work and house work and it may turn into the cause of frustration/ tension or mismanagement in your life. So the need of the hour is to develop a system which could separately schedule your office work, social work and household work. This exclusive app will help you to synchronize between your professional life and personal life.
To start with WorkManager you just need to “Signup”. After that you can create your desire project with a unique project name in “New Project”. For assigning this project to your colleagues or teammates you have to come across “My Project” and from here you can view/add or delete the members and track their work status also. In “My Task” module of WorkManager you can view all the necessary details of task assigned to you and mark it as completed when you finished it. So this is all simple to complete your hectic work with just few taps on your smart phone. So let’s give a chance to WorkManager to be your personal manager to overcome from the frustration/work load and mismanagement, tension from your work.
Who could get benefit by WorkManager:
1. This is also very useful in private sector to monitor their project status.
2. College/ School admin can use this app to schedule lectures and other work to their faculty.
3. Student can use it to organize their school college event.
4. An event manager have a wide scope through this app.
5. Transport industry could also be benefited by use of this app.
6. Construction industry can also better manage their project by the use of this app.
7. WorkManager can also be use to arrange a wedding function, engagement function, reception and other household function.
8. It is also beneficial for friends and family trip or tour.

If you have any query or suggestions please feel free to write us. We would love to hear from your side.